About the TV Panel
The TV Panel is made up of TV watchers in the Perth metropolitan area aged 18 years old and older — our oldest member is 80 years old! The TV Panel is a panel of volunteers who participate in research studies by the Interactive Television Research Institute at Murdoch University. The research investigates people’s television viewing behaviour and future trends in television advertising and programming made possible by new television technologies.
After you sign up with us you will be part of the TV Panel, which is a panel of participants we contact for research studies and occasional online surveys. We will randomly pick TV Panel members to take part in our studies. Our studies generally require that you attend a one hour session with us at Murdoch University. For your time and travel we will compensate you with a $20 Coles Myer gift card for each study session that you complete with us.
Occasionally we also send out short additional surveys to the TV Panel that you can complete online or by post. There is a separate compensation system for this — for every 5 surveys you complete you get a double movie pass.
To become a TV Panel member complete the short sign up survey or phone 9360 7373. Completing this survey will take about 10 minutes and will only be used to add your name to the TV Panel pool. Completion of further surveys or research study participation is voluntary. For more information see the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
If you have signed up with us in the past, and have not asked to be removed, your details are still in our TV Panel member database, so there is no need to sign up again.
If you sign up before Monday, June 14, 2010, you go into the draw for an iPod Touch valued at $268.