TV Panel Sign Up
Before you sign up, we’d just like to fill you in on a few things.
To be able to sign up to the TV Panel you need to be 18 years old or over and living in the Perth metropolitan area so that you can attend sessions at the Audience Research Lab at Murdoch University’s South Street campus.
The information collected from you in the sign up survey is kept in a secure database and will only be used to contact you to take part in our research studies. Your details will not be used by other companies for marketing purposes.
Please note that you can only sign up once; multiple sign ups are deleted. Once you sign up, please write down your membership number in case you need to update any of your sign up details. If you have signed up with us in the past and have not asked to be removed, you are still part of the TV Panel.
If you need more information, check out our About the TV Panel and Frequently Asked Questions sections or phone 9360 7373.